Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew

Recently while Googling came across this blog,

Google Interview Question: "Explain a database in three sentences to your eight-year-old nephew."


Explaining about a concept in real simple terms is a challenge. Especially when you are asked to explain to someone who is not from Technical background.

But if you are able to do that and convey a concept in real simple terms, I believe that shows your command in that concept.

My answer

Toys will be of interest to kids of 8 years. So tell about a Toy shop and how to locate the doll of the favorite character.

1. Reached a shop selling toys. There is lot of toys, from dolls to video games.
2. Find out on which floor on the shop the dolls are kept from the signboard kept at the reception.
3. On reaching the floor, there are many dolls from Barbie to Disney Fairy. Now find out the shelf which has Barbie doll from the character names written on top of each shelf.

Is that simple enough for a 8 year : o( .. don't know. :o(

What's your answer ?